cacao yin ceremony

Cacao and Yin Ceremony


René Onstenk


17 november 2022


Industrieweg 21 Wageningen

Connect back to ourselves and others through the ancestral ritual of drinking cacao. We will take you on a journey within by combining the special properties of cacao with the principles of Yin Yoga, for optimal relaxation & healing.

Cacao is a medicinal healing experience for your body & mind, which increases the energetic field of our hearts and allows us to open up for healing in unexpected ways.

What to expect?
20:15 Gathering & welcoming
20:30 Door closes
20:35 Cacao ceremony
21:00 Gentle Yin Yoga practice
21:45 Sharing & closing

Bring a small offering (e.g. stone, flower, piece of wood)
Comfortable clothing & socks
Not recommended during pregancy & breastfeeding, with anti-depressants, especially MAOIs and some SSRIs. With heart conditions or low blood pressure, epilepsy & sensitivity to caffeine.